Roman Travertine BRL | ESSENCE Collection

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Soft | Subtle | Eternal Neutral coverings have the role of harmonizing environments, helping to provide lightness to the space. The Essence Collection was designed both for those who value subtlety and for those who want a diversity of compositions according to the demands of each project.

Roman Travertine ACT | ESSENCE Collection

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Soft | Subtle | Eternal Neutral coverings have the role of harmonizing environments, helping to provide lightness to the space. The Essence Collection was designed both for those who value subtlety and for those who want a diversity of compositions according to the demands of each project.

Lumber Ash


Same design as the Beton Line, however, this covering is the perfect option without relief, exclusively for internal areas.

Riscato Arena


A linha Riscato pode ser especificada em torno de piscinas, calçadas, rampas e áreas externas sem cobertura. A beleza simples, despretensiosa e naturalmente sofisticada, convida a viver muito bem cada momento. Ora elementos de pedras naturais, ora texturas de cimento com agregados, em um equilíbrio cromático que converge para algo único, uma visão contemporânea das […]